This past winter we decided that we wanted to tackle the L.A. Triple Crown 5K we ran the first of those races. Boy, was it HOT! The heat plagued all of us, but regardless we all did our best and had FUN....that's the most important part. We loved the course because it doubled-back at one point so that we could cheer each other on & give high-fives, and also because it meandered through a beautiful park and along the Androscoggin River. We reconnected with some old friends, munched on yummy free food, and enjoyed leg massages! All in all, a great way to spend our morning.
Big brother has developed enough confidence to get himself up in the front of the crowd, lining up with the elites so that he doesn't get caught in 'traffic' like the rest of us. You can see him in his white t-shirt on the left side in the second row behind the guy with the dark tan and no shirt on. However, he wasn't quite prepared for the heat either, and ran exactly 1 minute slower (19:29) than he did last week. Still, he finished 16th out of 582 runners in a very competitive race and was 3rd out of 25 boys in his age group. Well done!
Big sister ran a really good race, with an awesome finish line charge! Her time was 24:05. She finished 105th overall and was 4th out of 24 girls in her age group. And, I have to wonder if that guy in the red shirt saw the message on the back of her shirt as she passed him at the finish line...
Middle sister didn't really feel like running this morning, but she still did great with a time of 25:24. She finished 140th overall and was 7th out of 24 girls in her age group. We are so proud of her for running on an 'off' day...we all have those, don't we?!
Little sister thought she was going to run with me, but took off during that first mile because I've always told the kiddos how important it is to 'run their own race'. I was so happy to see her way ahead of me when we crossed paths - big high five there! Her time ended up being 29:05. She finished 278th overall and was 12th out of those 24 girls aged 11-15. Nice work! 

My younger son ran with me and during the first mile of the race we ran faster than I have run since I broke my ankle! Unfortunately, he was wearing the wrong sneakers and hadn't had any water to drink that morning, so he started fading fast after that. We ended up alternating running & walking, but still finished with respectable times: 35:58 for him & 36.00 for me. He felt bad about holding me up, but I didn't mind - my kiddos always come first. Besides which, it's pretty special to finish a race side by side!

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