You may recall these posts from 2012 & 2013 about the kiddos adventures running in the hugely popular TD Beach to Beacon 10k road race? Well, we were going to register them again this year, but 4000 registrations sold out in 4 1/2 minutes! So, the kiddos were disappointed that they weren't going to race it this year, but, a friend told us about a great opportunity. If we could raise at least $500 for a therapeutic riding stable, they would give us an entry as a reward! Considering how much our daughter loves running and horses, she was thrilled to raise as much money as possible!
The stable is called Riding to the Top and they served disabled persons from age 3 to 93 and everyone in between. We visited them yesterday. We met all their wonderful horses, both large and small, the executive director, and saw the incredible facilities and equipment that is used to improve the lives of so many people. It is a truly exceptional place and she is even more committed to raising way more money than the required $500!
These are the mechanical therapy horses that are used to test a new students' reaction to the motion of a horse, without the potential dangerous situation that could occur if an actual horse were involved. The girls thought they were super fun to ride, but we also were impressed that this was something that we had never considered, but is certainly useful(and expensive!)

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