Their last game was this afternoon, which was sad because I love to watch them play!! Our oldest daughter did make the All-star team, so she will play one more game, later in the month, but I have a feeling that this is the last season that they will all play for the same team. This is definitely a bittersweet moment.
An (almost) daily look at our lives in a small town in the Western Foothills of Maine.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Spontaneous Pinic
This morning the girls asked me if we could take the boys to their favorite restaurant, Cafe Nomad, for lunch because the boys had never eaten there before. It wasn't until I was parking the car that I remembered we had Amber with us and therefore couldn't eat at a restaurant. However, we could get our meal 'to go' and enjoy a picnic. I could think of no better place that was close-by, than Ordway Grove. We really enjoyed the short hike through the quiet woods, and eating our delicious sandwiches on the shore of Lake Pennesseewassee. During its long history the Grove has been threatened by loggers and can read more about that here. I'm so glad that there were forward thinking people involved who realized that someday this grove could be enjoyed by future residents of this area, if only it were preserved.
"Gone are the days when one might come across the tall stately white pine with the mark of the King’s ‘Broad Arrow’, trees that were earmarked specifically for the tall masts of the British Navy.
However, in nearby Norway, Maine, there is a stand of magnificent old-growth trees, mainly white pines with some mixed hardwoods. This area is now known as ‘The Ordway Grove’ and it dates from 1789.
Some of the trees are over 250 years old, with girths of over 13 feet and heights of over 150 feet. The forest has been set aside as a preserve since 1931, when some forward-thinking citizens of Norway realized what they were about to lose and saved it from logging." - quoted from 'Watershed Views'
Friday, June 28, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Today's View

It's never a good thing when you happen to glance out your boss' office window and this is what you see...but I couldn't see anything else, so I went down the hall to find a window that I could lower the top half and stick my phone camera out. This is what I saw when I brought it back in:

Somehow, the driver of the green car went up onto the curb and backed up at a high rate of speed right into our building, clipping the corner of that van! The entrance door to our building is right there behind the car, but fortunately several people saw it happening, so they all got out of the way. It doesn't appear that anyone was hurt, thankfully.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Check out that paint job!
This guy was such a good sport! When he saw me taking a picture for my son, he told me that people take pictures of it all the time - on the highway, in parking lots - it's a real conversation starter. He wasn't from around here, but I'll give him some Mainah approval - that is a 'wicked' cool looking truck!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Bands on the Run 5k
This morning we ran the Bands on the Run 5k road race. What a fun event! This picture was taken immediately after the race - the kiddos ran to the food tent and started right in pigging out. We had lots of friends and family at this event so we laughed all morning long. A few of our friends even ran the half-marathon - what a huge accomplishment that was! Maybe someday we'll run that far too. We're learning to never say never...
Saturday, June 22, 2013
A New Style of Braid
This morning we visited the hairdresser. After she cut & colored our hair, she did a different braid on the girls. She even took the time to teach our youngest step-daughter how to do it. Doesn't it look pretty? And cool for summer?
Friday, June 21, 2013
Summer evenings like this are the best! They haven't seen each other for almost 2 weeks, so they are having a particularly good time tonight. They really miss each other when they're with their other parents, and have learned to appreciate the time that they get to spend together.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
I finally made it to another game!
Between rain cancellations and prior committments, I haven't been able to go to any of their games, which has been extremely frustrating. But, I was there tonight! And armed with my new zoom lens...

Look who's catching now!
The opposing team never did catch on that this one is a thief! I lost count of how many times she stole her way all the way home!!
Completely focused and ready to slam that ball!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
My husband's favorite...
I was served my water in this glass at lunch today. I had to take a picture to tease my husband because I knew he would think that water in a beer glass is a travesty!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Pretty Pink Pick-up
We chased him all across town today, just so that I could get a picture! It was really quite funny!!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Happy Father's Day to you too, Dad!
And look who's got a shiny new ride...
We met my parents for dinner this evening, which was really nice, and then went over to the dealership to see the truck they just bought. He looks pretty pleased, doesn't he? I'm kinda jealous. It's MY color!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Happy Father's Day
He's a great father to his girls and a great step-father to my boys, so I wanted to make today extra special for him. Oxford Plains hasn't had a Show, Shine & Drag for many years, but they recently changed hands and the new owners are bringing this event back! I went years ago and loved it, but as it turns out, he had never been before, so he was happy to have the opportunity. We all had a great time watching the drag racing and checking out all the show cars on display. One of them is our particular favorite. It's a rat rod that our friend built from the ground up! The girls just had to have their picture taken with it:
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
Road Trip
This afternoon we headed for Peru. "Peru?!" they asked me. "Don't we have to fly to get there?" I laughed. "No, actually Peru isn't very far from here. It's in Maine." They couldn't quite believe me. So they got a sightseeing tour of a part of Maine they hadn't seen before. And now, they know how to get there from here...
Thursday, June 13, 2013
1st School Dance
This morning they graduated from 6th grade and this evening was their very first school dance. They were so excited and nervous when we arrived at the middle school (where they will attend 7th & 8th grades). They are going to have a great time and I can't wait to hear all about it when I pick them up later!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
A Happy Home
This afternoon I went to an Open House (and barbeque!) at a recently built
Self-Help home. The Self-Help program puts together groups of potential home-owners and they work together to build each others' houses. The program generally takes about a year, but at the end of it you have a brand-new home and the sense of accomplishment that comes from building not only that house, but also houses for your friends! The family that built this house has turned it into a beautiful home. Their daughter couldn't stay home from school for the Open House, but she left this message for us. It was very sweet!
Monday, June 10, 2013
A New Skill
He's been practicing and he's finally figured it out! He couldn't wait for us to get home so he could show off.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Goober Award
He's psyched about his awards too! He received an Honor Roll pin and the Goober Award for making his teachers laugh throughout the school year!!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
8th Grade Graduation
We are so proud of him for excelling in school. He's psyched to have received recognition for his efforts!!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Outdoor Archery Range
These are his favorite lessons; when the weather is nice enough to shoot at the archery range at the
Norway-Paris Fish and Game Club. He's in his element and loves every moment!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
SMH Run for Wellness 5k
Today the kiddos and I participated in a race together. Unfortunately, I am injured and couldn't run with them, but rather had to walk the course. Quite honestly, I felt pretty darn lucky to even be able to walk it. (And we won't be telling my doctor!) The kiddos knew I was disappointed, so my younger son walked with me for most of it, and sprinted the last bit. When one of my step-daughters saw me walking towards the finish line alone, she ran across the street to walk with me. That put the smile back on my face!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Up on top!
Of all the wonderful memories that we made today, this is my very favorite. Our teamster friend kindly offered to take a bunch of us down to the river to watch the duck race. When it was time to ride back to town, there were no seats left in the back of the wagon. "Just climb on up here with me." he said. The girls and I clambered up over the front wheel and perched beside him as he drove his massive Belgians, Bill and Ben, back through town. This is how Main Street in West Paris was originally seen - over the backs of a hard-working team. Thanks again.
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