Here I am at the starting line, flanked by my older son and my friend. (The one who talked me into running this race!) We're nervous, but we've been training for this. We're ready.
I loved running the first 3 miles with him by my side...but, what I really loved, was looking ahead and watching him pick off runners when he decided to actually run - he's awesome!

As I was running that last stretch up to the Finish Line, I suddenly realized that the woman trying to pass me was my friend's sister-in-law, a women whom I had just met this morning. Well, for some reason, I couldn't let that happen. So, instead of the easy finish that I had envisioned, it was a flat-out sprint to the end! What fun!! We were laughing as we crossed the timers and she reached out to grab my hand. I'm very glad that my husband captured this great moment!
My friend finished with a time that she was very proud of considering the long road to recovery that she has been traveling. I am glad that she talked me into running this race! It was so much fun and we all are feeling such a sense of accomplishment!! Plus, we got some new t-shirts...
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