We were very content with our campsite. It was large and private (Although not quite private enough since some of our neighbors insisted on being extremely loud and obnoxious!). Those reclining chairs are super comfortable and we tried not to leave them for very long.
An (almost) daily look at our lives in a small town in the Western Foothills of Maine.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Natanis Pond
This morning Amber accompanied me on my run...she seemed to enjoy the view from the overlook that we ran up to...
Friday, August 30, 2013
2nd Anniversary Weekend
It's time to make our annual escape!
He really needs a break from the World right now, so I took him to the most peaceful place I know - Natanis Point.
And then there were three...
She is now in 7th grade, so this morning, for the first time, these guys all started going to school together!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
His Turn
Because the 7th graders needed an orientation day yesterday, he got to enjoy an extra day of summer vacation! Today he started 8th grade. He's not real keen on school, but he said that today was a pretty good day so that's a good way to start.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
He's a Freshman!

Today was his first day in high school. He said it went great and he is really happy to be there now. He loves to learn and is ready to succeed!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Picnic on Penneseewassee
The last day of summer vacation is so bittersweet. We are so sad to see these warm, fun-filled days end...
I left the office to meet them at the lake for a really yummy picnic lunch. It was great to be able to spend my lunch time with my family!
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
This spring she decided to plant Mammoth Sunflowers and they have grown like crazy! We're starting to wonder if they're going to grow taller than the house. She and Amber harvested some of the spent blooms and hung them in the barn to dry so that she can feed the birds this winter.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Our 1st 'Chocolate' Egg!
We bought some French Marans pullets this spring and they're finally laying! Well, this first one isn't much of a prize, but the girls were having a hard time keeping it from Amber!!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Why not?
We've been wishing that we could afford to trade in our Suburban for a newer one. She's getting tired. A local dealership got in a whole line-up of these big commercial cargo vans. They are much more reasonable priced and just as big - plenty of room for all of us and our stuff! Jokingly I asked the kiddos if we should get one for our family. Some of them are horrified; the others think it would be a hoot!
Monday, August 19, 2013
They're a family!
I took the kiddos to meet my 'boyfriend' and discovered that he's been cheating on me! He ran off and got married to Mrs. Yak....
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Picnicking Again
Today we got the dreaded school shopping done really fast, (Right there is one of the big differences between sons and daughters!) and headed back towards home as fast as we could. We ordered some sandwiches and enjoyed a picnic at Snow Falls.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
This afternoon we were early for an appointment, so we stopped by Crescent Lake. We were going to just hang out and relax, but they finally decided they couldn't resist and jumped in in their clothing! No worries. Between the 5 of them they were able to come up with enough dry clothing. And being cold and wet was totally worth it, as far as they were concerned. The swimming was so much fun!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
It must be lunchtime again...I love summer, when we can go lay down on the grass in the park and truly relax for a while...wake me up when it's time to go back to my desk!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Happy Belated 15th Birthday!
Better late than never, right? And isn't he such a good nephew to bring me those yummy whoopie pies?!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Hit the Track for Black 5k
This morning we raced to help raise funds to keep the Black Mountain Ski Resort in Rumford open. The kiddos can't wait to compete in Nordic races up there this winter! We even roped in a nephew to run with us - this was his first run and he really enjoyed it. It was so exciting to attend the awards ceremony afterwards because we all placed in our age divisions!! There were 2 firsts, 2 seconds and 2 thirds. Our prizes were giant, yummy cupcakes and we couldn't have been more proud.
Friday, August 9, 2013
'Lunch' with Friends
It was too rainy to go to the lake at lunch today, so we met some friends and had our feet pampered.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
We found another great lunch spot today at Lake Penneseewassee in Norway. Then, 2 loons surfaced, one on either side of us. That made it an even better lunch spot! Wow!!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
I have a new boyfriend...
I met him at a local petting zoo, Harvest Hills Farm. Mr. Yak is just the sweetest boy! I've never met a yak before, so it was pretty cool to actually get to pet one. I spent a long time scratching all his itchy spots and finally my husband decided that he really did seem friendly and fed him some grass. What a cool critter!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
More Bantys!

Yesterday afternoon we discovered a surprise when we visited the chicken coop - one of our bantam hens hatched out 5 chicks! This is one of the hens that my step-daughter won at auction, so you can just imagine how excited and proud she is right now!!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Over-sized Load
Our neighbor's new house was delivered this morning....
As you can see, there wasn't much room for my Suburban on this side of the road, so it was a bit nerve-wracking to pass by. We just barely fit!
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Scout Camp
We dropped the boys off for a week at camp today. A few hours later I got a message that little brother passed his swim test and earned the merit badge! Yay!! He was really anxious about taking that test. We are super proud of him for leaping over this hurdle!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
16th Annual Beach to Beacon 10k
Today they raced in Maine's biggest road race, which attracts World-class competitors, and all of the best local runners. 6245 runners showed up from 16 countries, 39 states and 250 Maine towns. They each finished in the top half of their divisions and we couldn't be more proud! These kiddos are amazing!!
Friday, August 2, 2013
Norway Lake
Today was the perfect day to eat lunch on the deck at Boomers. The food was yummy and service was great.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
'Yeah, I'm chillin' on a dirt road...'
Listening to Jason Aldean's 'Dirt Road Anthem' while cruisin' on a beautiful summer day. It doesn't get much better than this!
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